Sharing With Friends, Family, & Strangers
Partner Rasam Aminzadeh and I began by asking what are the types of living dynamics that we can address as a means to challenge the idea of community within a group of dwelling types. This resulted in essentially three housing types within our project; dwellings that are shared with friends, shared with strangers, and shared with family. As we began to incorporate the unique requirements within our unit plans we asked how we could merge these different types into one overall concept. That, in addition to the issue of density brought about our typological study, led to our investigation and challenging of the courtyard house and residential tower. Both traditionally result in impersonal relations with your surroundings. Since we began by focusing on the sharing aspect of housing, it made sense that the overarching concept would act to bring these typologies together to create a space to share among family, friends, and strangers.
Fall 2018, GSAPP Housing Studio
Adam Frampton
Adam Frampton